One of the things you'll quickly learn about me is I don't do things the easy way. What's the fun in that? I also tend
to jump into things with both feet before thinking it through.
I'm the one who runs full speed into the water, whizzing right past the "DANGER: Sharks sighted. Swimmers use caution!" sign.
This post is the perfect example of that. I wanted to show you all
something I made that really highlights my craftiness. I love sewing and
I love creating things so why not start with a pair of baby sweatpants?
Do I have a pattern? Nope. Have I ever made a clothing item before?
Negative. Great, this will be perfect. Fast forward 4 hours later and I
end up with this:
Isn't she adorable? |
Honestly, that girl can pull off anything. Even the most ill-fitting sweatpants ever made.
The plus side to never doing things the easy way and making plenty of
mistakes is I'm always learning. Will I try again? Youbetcha! The next
pair might still not be perfect, but I can guarantee they'll be better
than this pair. When I fail epically on a project, I love how it teaches me something about myself. Even when I get frustrated beyond words, I can
still manage to push through and try again.
Well since I can't show you how to make the cutest sweatpants known to
man (not yet anyway), I can show you what else I've been working on.
I love painting. Especially when stickers and tape are involved. Stickers and tape? Yup! Let me show you what I mean:
I just love my little girl's name. |
You might think using stickers is cheating, but there's no way I'd be
able to freehand letters that please my perfectionist nature. Ergo,
stickers! Now before you say, "Kacie, I could whip up one of those in no
time. Why are you showing me this?", let me tell you that my "never do
it the easy way" self struck again. I was so excited to get the letters
on the board that I didn't think about future steps. Thus, ending up
spending a profound amount of time doing this:
Should I have painted the board teal then put the letters on? Absolutely! Did I do that? Nope!
But as I said, I love painting with tape so this wasn't an all lose
situation. Should you decide to do a similar project, please learn from
my mistake! I know I will!
Luckily, the end product was worth all the frustration.
Sweet and simple. |
I have a ton of other masking tape projects I can't wait to show you!
(They all turned out wonderfully, unlike the sweatpants debacle).
I hope this inspired you to do a quick craft! I love getting the crafty
juices flowing, even if it's just for a few minutes a day.
What will you make today?
Do you have any "sweatpants" stories?
Don't let the failed projects keep you down! Try again and I promise you'll learn something!
On a serious note, we would like to ask for your prayers for a mutual friend's family. Her mother just received a lung cancer diagnosis with a life expectancy of 2 months. Aggressive medical action is being taken and we are praying hard for recovery. God works amazing miracles and we pray that He moves in this woman's life. Please ask God to comfort this family in their time of suffering and confusion. Ask Him to put His healing hands on her lungs and their hearts. Thank you.
God Bless,