Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Revive Your Home

I am excited about reviving my home this year. Last year, I had a new baby and had just moved so making my house a home was low priority. Getting everything put away and set up was my main goal. This year, I am ready to create a space that my family can thrive in.

We are home a lot with James and June, so creating a home that is warm, inviting, and fits our family needs is important. Here are some ways we've come up with to revive our homes and make it a place of comfort.

DECLUTTER and CLEAN- Getting rid of things you don't use is a good way to create a clean space and mind.
1. Turn all the hangers in your closet backwards. When you wear an item in your closet, flip the hanger the right direction. At the end of a set time (2, 3, 6 months, etc.) get rid of things you haven't worn.
2. Start with high traffic places. These are the spaces you spend the most time and use frequently. (Kitchen, living room, bathrooms, bedrooms) Start small and assign a space a week and take time to declutter.
3. Remember the forgotten places. (Coat closet, pantry, fridge to name a few) Sometimes these places can be throw-all places where you things just start to accumulate.

REDESIGN and REARRANGE- If you spend a lot of time at home, it can get a little boring looking at the same thing every single day. Take time to make your space your own.
1. Rearrange your furniture. This is quick, easy, and can give you a new perspective.
2. Paint! Paint an accent wall or stain existing furniture. It is inexpensive and if you like to paint, a fun project.
3. Create a personal space. Have a space that you can call your own and go to to have quiet time. Whether it is a room you redecorate or just a part of a room, make it somewhere you will enjoy. If not for yourself, maybe for another family member.

QUALITY TIME- Make the time you spend in your home purposeful and life giving.
1. Create screen free zones. These are places where there may be no electronic devices present; areas where you want to spend most of your time interacting with your loved ones.
2. Play music instead of television. When I clean, I like to have noise in the background and it is usually the TV. Now, I like to play music that makes me feel at peace. It is calming and who doesn't like to dance a little while sweeping?
3. Have dinner at the dinner table. Sometimes it is nice to sit and eat dinner while watching a show but like having screen free zones, the dinner table is a great place to build relationship. Talk about your day and take time to wind down the day with your loved ones.

I hope some of these inspire you to revive your home and create a space you and your family can thrive in. I get eager, but creating the home I want will take time! Also, remember to have fun with it!

What ways will you be reviving your home this year?
I will definitely be decluttering! I want to have a home that is clean and use only the things we need. For me, physically make sure the clutter is gone helps me have a clear mind.



  1. Theses are some great tips. I'll definitely keep these in mind this year.
