Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Revive Your Body

"Work out more" and "stay active" seem to be at the top of most people's New Year's resolutions list. Unfortunately, a lot of these goals can be very generic and lofty. We can become discouraged when we set unspecific goals that are out of our immediate reach. We need specific ideas for ways we can see results quickly in order to maintain an exercise routine. Here are just a few of our ideas:

1. Printables: Check out our exercise printables HERE and HERE. There are tons of monthly ideas like these out there that you can find to suit your needs. They're a great way to set a short term goal for your specific need. Don't be afraid to tailor it down to your ability, but don't stay stagnant! Push yourself!

2. Use your breaks wisely!: Find a way to get up from your chair and move that tush! Use your break and lunch times to go for a walk, eat lunch standing up (if you're not already standing for most of your day), find a work-out online that you're excited to try out that evening or next morning, and talk with your accountability partners.

3. Speaking of accountability...: get some! It helps when those around you are trying to make good decisions for their bodies as well. Help each other! Stay in constant communication about your goals, triumphs, and failures. They'll be there to cheer you on and encourage you when you need it.

4. Small changes: Make small changes to your daily routine that will become new habits. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, wait 30 minutes before walking in the door before turning on the TV (how about a walk around the block instead?), do a few push ups/sit ups/whatever immediately after getting out of bed, make yourself earn that shower (do a quick 5-10 minute exercise right before). Take a look at your schedule and pick a few things you'd like to change. Start small with one or two behaviors.

5. Have fun with it!: Let's make your favorite TV show more interesting! Pick an exercise (push ups, squats, burpees, sit ups, lunges, plank...) to do during commercial breaks. See if you can hold that plank until the show comes back on! Or pick a fun game for exercise during the show. Example: Every time Character A says _______, do 5 push ups / Every time they eat at _______, do 10 squats. Make up a few for your favorite show and get the family involved, too! Turn this time when you normally just sit and stare at a screen into family fun!

It would be great if we all had time in our daily schedule to spend an hour at a gym, but that's just not the case for most people. Hopefully these tips will help you stay moving, even if it's not at a gym!

What do you like to do to stay active?

God Bless,

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