Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Redeeming Love: Part 3

"Many the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
We have ideals and plans about how we want our lives to go. God also gives us the free will to decide what to do with our lives. But when we put our trust in Him and include Him in our lives in every aspect, He will always be present. Whenever I submit everything I do to the Lord everything always turns out much better than if I were to tackle it all on my own. Does anyone else notice that?

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard on another as more important than himself." Philippians 2:3
ME, ME, ME! Some call our generation today the entitled generation where everything is about us. What we want, what we need, and wanting it right now. Sometimes when life gets busy I tend to forget humility and selflessness. It is not my brightest moment but it happens. Lord, forgive me. Help me to be more selfless and look at those around me and their needs. Lead me to where I can serve You and think less of me and more of You! AMEN!

"But now, thus says the LORD , your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine!" Isaiah 43:1
We are the Lord's! We are His children. He saved us and redeemed us, is there anything sweeter? I feel like I need this as a constant reminder because there are times when my struggles get to me and I forget how good God's mercy and grace is.

"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, when I became a man, I gave up childish ways." 1 Corinthians 13:11
Do you ever feel like even though you're an adult, you're not sure if you've actually grown up yet? It sounds silly but sometimes, even though I have a child and am married I think to myself, "I need to grow up!". Sometimes I let petty, little things get to me. Sometimes I get irate at the person who cut me off while I am driving and nag at them like they can hear me. But of course, they can't! Or if my husband makes me upset I will pout and complain, like a child. These are things I see as childish. I know the Lord would not want me to waste my time being pouty or complaining. This is where I wan't God to transform my heart, into a mature one that serves Him. Instead of nagging at the person who cut me off, maybe automatically giving them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are late to work at a job they desperately need or need to rush and pick up their child from day care. And then, maybe instead of pouting when my husband makes me upset, talking to him straight away. In this I feel that I can grow and mature in Christ and be an example to those who need Him.

We've finally come to our favorite part of the story! All of the pieces are finally coming together for Angel. There's still so much pain and heartache for her to work through, but she's finally realized that she doesn't have to do it alone. She's beginning to trust the people God has placed in her life. They help her to see the woman God intended her to be, who she never thought she could be. In the beginning of her healing process, she began to worship her husband. We've all been there. We've pinned our hopes and dreams on a human and, sometimes through no fault of their own, they can let us down. But God is the one we need to turn to. Angel needed to learn that God was not some "spy in the sky" ready to point and laugh at her when she stumbled. He's a loving, patient Father who gave His life so that she could live her life for Him.

So which character did you find yourself relating to most? Were you Angel, hungry for a love you didn't know you needed & rescued out of despair? How about Miriam, light-hearted and wiser beyond her years? Unfortunately I think a lot of us can be like Paul at times. Anger has just a hard grip on our lives that the good we think we're doing for others is actually hurting them more. Hopefully we all strive to be more like Michael, a faithful servant after God's own heart.

We're taking the next couple of weeks off for some quality family time but we'll be back next year! Have a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year! Be safe and cherish every moment you spend with family and friends!
We'll be back in 2015 with so many fun things to share with you so be sure to come back in a couple weeks! THANK YOU for all the support and friendship!

God Bless,

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