Thursday, September 18, 2014

First World Problems

Have you ever heard the phrase, “First World Problems”? Here are some examples….

My husband and I would have conversations that go a little something like this…
ME: Ugh, the internet is so slow!
HUSBAND: First world problems.

Or I would see Facebook statuses that go a little something like this…
“So bummed. My Starbucks isn’t selling the Pumpkin Spice Latte yet!!!!”

At the time these situations were funny and another status on Facebook to read. Let’s be honest, these weren’t problems, just something to complain about. I am sure there have been other petty “problems” I have complained about, but the worse part of it is that it came out without a second thought.
I am ashamed. I don’t need fast internet to live.  I am blessed to have internet to keep me connected with family and friends, to look up baby food recipes, and share on this very blog. Quite frankly, these problems that I face, are not problems at all. The world will go on with slow internet and the pumpkin spice latte will make it to your Starbucks soon enough.
 I am by no means trying to condemn or judge anyone. I just want to get back to what it means to have a heart of gratitude. We have so much to be thankful for and we are on a daily basis, but when little complaints creep into our lives we slowly start to lose sight of gratitude and instead of dwelling on what God’s grace has provided for us, we become complacent to what really matters. We can be thankful but we need to be aware of it. We can praise God for all He’s done but we just can’t go through the motions. When we do this, it shows what really matters in our lives, and it’s not God. It’s everything but Him.
Friends, can I invite you to make a return with me? A return to living off of God’s grace? To have heart of gratitude? My husband and I used to think of 3 blessings every night before bed and share them with each other and praise God. We had to choose 3 things, even if we had a bad day, because every day has God’s grace in it. This is by no means an excuse, but life got busy, we moved and our night time ritual was pushed aside. I challenge myself and you to take time each day to glorify God and praise Him. For me, doing this means getting back into what my husband and I started by praying, finding 3 blessings that don’t repeat day after day, and praising Him. I don’t want another day to go by where I am not wholeheartedly praising the Lord.
This will sound cliché but I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, good health, a son and a husband that love me, and the most loving God. I AM BLESSED.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 3:17

What will this look like to you?
Will you join me?


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