Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Testament Tuesday: Courage

While trying to find the perfect verse for our first Testament Tuesday, I came across Mark 5:36b:

"Don't be afraid; just believe."

Another translation says, "Don't listen to them, just trust Me." Jesus is the one speaking these words. It's so simple. "Just believe." So simple, yet it rings true in my life on so many levels. It takes courage to put your trust in God. It takes patience to wait on His timing.
It may not seem like it, but starting up a blog, business, or any new venture with a friend takes courage and trust. Jillianne and I are putting our trust in God that He will guide our words. As much as we'd like to think it's us who's in control of this new chapter in our lives, God is always in charge. It was Him who brought Jillianne and I together for what we believe is the purpose of sharing God with all of you. We hope that through our stories and ideas, your own relationship with God will be strengthened.

It's not always big life events like going to college, finding a job, getting married, and having babies that we need courage for. What about the little things? Getting out of bed on the day of a big exam, forgiving a friend or loved one when they've hurt you, or standing up for someone who doesn't have the power to do so themselves? God will give you the courage you need to complete whatever task lies before you; you need only ask.

What does God give you the courage to do?
We definitely don't have all the answers, but we know Someone who does. Please feel free to come to us with anything, be it a question, prayer request, or praise. We'd love to hear how God is moving in your life.

God Bless,

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